Our Mission
This Planet is a series of reports and videos that portray this moment of reckoning between human nature and the force of nature, here at the tipping point of our collective future. You can learn more about us, and see the bios of This Planet's contributors and advisors here.
These words, by a poet of the last century, set the stage for seeing the world in a new way:
“Learn, O voyager, to walk the roll
of earth, the pitch and fall that swings
across these trees those stars:
that swings the sunlight up the wall.”
Over the coming months, we are rolling out entertaining and informative mini-documentaries, investigative articles, and news about crucial events and cool innovations that are changing our world. Join us as we explore life at this moment, in this place, on this planet.
• One 5 to 10 minute video (documentary or investigative report), ideally featuring a compelling and famous character.
• Original article(s) , including research and interviews, posted to our blog and distributed to other sites.
• Daily posting of other’s videos, articles and posts on our social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram).
• Strong outreach to other affiliated platforms, to partner and/or carry our original videos/articles.
• Possible broadcast of videos on Link TV or other outlets.
Energy Innovation
Life Itself (!)
• Connect the dots between climate reality and energy alternatives as human nature confronts the force of nature.
• Use viral memes, catchy titling and shareable formats to create short daily videos sourced by content from climate, academic, news, activist and weather organizations worldwide.
• Embed This Planet on multiple websites and mobile platforms, linking back to the original sources.
• Compile the best videos we find into a half-hour television series for nationwide broadcast and local cable outlets.
• Measure broadcast viewership and online audience engagement, continuing to retool for maximum impact. Expand the online/mobile distribution and marketing of the daily This Planet, growing its popularity and driving community engagement. Support the daily and weekly media products by adding marketing partnerships, sponsorship and product tie-ins.
When fully resourced, This Planet aims to reach more than 30 million people each year via broadcast, web and mobile device -- targeting communities that are uncertain about climate science and those who are looking for solutions. Impact will be gauged by how many people watch This Planet and take action.